As the internet grows, and wicca finds itself on google+ pages, facebook pages, personal blogs and who knows where else, I sometimes wonder if there may not be some dilution of tradition. Specifically, I'm referring to spell casting. A lot of people get into wicca not really knowing much about it, and they refer to these myriad of webpages for their source material.
Usually when a person posts a spell or incantation online, with the best of intentions, I'm sure.. they're only trying to help the uninitiated.. it usually goes something like this: Gather these materials, wait for the moon to be in x phase, and then recite these words. And I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that. If that helps you get your start, that's awesome. What I'm talking about is taking it one step further. Feeling your wicca inside yourself. Making the spells and rites yours. Wicca is very much about feeling it, and not so much about prescribed rules and exacting rituals. And in order to do that, it is helpful to understand a few basic things about spellcasting.
When casting what most witches will commonly refer to as "white magic" or "light magic" spells, the wording of rituals and exact materials aren't as important as one might think. You see, when you cast light, you draw upon yourself, your core, for the power of the spell. You ask Gaia/Mother Nature/Mother Earth/The Goddess/The Universe to help your spell become manifest, but the power comes from within. Gaia/Mother Nature/Mother Earth/The Goddess/The Universe serves only as a focus, or amplification. Therefore, it can be said that the materials used and words spoken are more for your own pleasure than anything else. Gaia/Mother Nature/Mother Earth/The Goddess/The Universe doesn't require or desire your praise. Those words and materials are mostly for you. They are words and items that help you to focus on the elements necessary for the casting of the spell. Like associating amethyst with tranquility, or willow with calm strength.
When you cast "black magic" or "dark magic", on the other hand, the power you draw on comes from the ethereal plane, most often demonic entities. When you cast from the dark, your wording and materials are exceedingly important, because their purpose is for the pleasure of the demonic entity from whom you are requesting the power. Their purpose is also for your protection from that entity. The preceeding notwithstanding, I do not support, endorse or recommend the use of black magic in any way. I only say these things to illustrate the differences in the importance of wording and materials. When casting from the dark, one never wishes to speak the wrong word, or use the wrong material at all. Not even a close substitute should be attempted. These mistakes are most often the reason for the failure of dark spells, and the repurcussions upon the caster.
And if you're here because you've watched every episode of Supernatural.... wash your brain out, none of it's real. Well ok, most of it's not real. They occasionally touch on something that's true.
But anyway, getting back to the casting. Again, stay away from the dark side. It is easier, more seductive. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will! Ahem. Oops. Sorry. What I meant was, you know.. don't play with demons. You'll get burned. As for the light, feel it within you when you cast. If the words don't seem to roll off your tongue all that well, or just feel weird, find synonyms. Make the ritual your own. If you need a certain material and can't get it for whatever reason, maybe it's not available in your area of the world, do some research into its properties and find out why the spell calls for that particular material or item. Once you know that, you might be able to find a substitute with nearly identical properties.
Feel the wicca. Be the wicca. ;)
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